Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.4.5. Monthly gross average wages of employees by region (CZK, full-time equivalent)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 20211)
Region Hl. m. Praha 34 354,0 37 392,0 40 007,0 42 991,0 45 002,0 47 365,0
Stredocesky region 26 638,0 30 004,0 32 819,0 35 645,0 36 912,0 38 651,0
Jihocesky region 23 882,0 26 770,0 28 984,0 31 388,0 32 778,0 35 032,0
Plzensky region 25 431,0 29 042,0 31 273,0 33 668,0 34 964,0 36 846,0
Karlovarsky region 22 669,0 26 075,0 28 002,0 30 200,0 31 210,0 33 208,0
Ustecky region 24 072,0 27 091,0 29 396,0 32 025,0 33 685,0 35 483,0
Liberecky region 24 605,0 27 382,0 29 939,0 32 286,0 33 167,0 34 608,0
Kralovehradecky region 24 138,0 27 313,0 29 905,0 32 500,0 34 007,0 36 057,0
Pardubicky region 23 806,0 26 800,0 28 979,0 31 057,0 32 569,0 34 497,0
Region Vysocina 24 034,0 27 219,0 29 483,0 31 733,0 33 111,0 35 362,0
Jihomoravsky region 25 867,0 28 627,0 30 920,0 33 564,0 35 402,0 37 530,0
Olomoucky region 23 722,0 26 374,0 28 904,0 31 135,0 32 802,0 34 882,0
Zlinsky region 23 293,0 26 280,0 28 636,0 30 710,0 31 754,0 34 366,0
Moravskoslezsky region 24 431,0 26 931,0 29 080,0 31 040,0 32 529,0 34 768,0
Total Czech republic 26 629 29 635 32 097 34 605 36 180 38 286

1) Preliminary dataThe data are elaborated by the real workplace of the employees.

Source: ČSÚ