Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.5.2. Gross domestic product per capita (PPS)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 33 200 34 600 35 600 36 900 35 700 39 000
Czech Republic 24 400 26 700 27 900 29 200 28 000 29 700
Denmark 35 300 38 000 39 000 39 900 39 900 43 000
Finland 30 500 32 700 33 600 34 200 34 300 36 300
France 29 400 30 500 31 500 33 200 31 400 33 800
Italy 26 700 28 800 29 500 30 200 28 300 30 900
Luxembourg 77 600 78 900 79 200 79 600 78 500 87 000
Hungary 19 300 20 300 21 600 22 800 22 400 24 400
Germany 34 200 36 400 37 500 37 900 37 000 39 000
Netherlands 36 200 37 800 39 200 40 100 39 200 42 000
Poland 19 100 20 400 21 400 22 700 22 900 25 100
Portugal 21 300 22 700 23 700 24 600 22 900 24 400
Austria 35 900 37 200 38 600 39 500 37 500 39 800
Romania 15 500 18 600 19 900 21 700 21 800 24 000
Greece 19 200 19 600 20 100 20 700 18 600 20 700
Slovak Republic 21 500 20 600 21 200 21 800 21 600 22 900
Slovenia 22 700 25 100 26 400 27 700 26 800 29 200
Spain 25 100 27 200 27 600 28 400 24 900 27 000
Sweden 35 300 35 700 36 300 37 100 36 800 40 000

Source: Eurostat