Transport Yearbook 2022

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3.2.1. Road transport infrastructure (Km)

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total road and motorways network 55 737,5 55 744,0 55 768,3 55 791,8 55 837,6 55 862,1
of which european road network, type E 2 627,7 2 630,2 2 629,5 2 630,3 2 629,4 2 631,3
Motorways in operation 776,0 1 251,7 1 276,4 1 298,3 1 346,2 1 363,2
Expressways1)2) 459,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Other roads 54 961,5 54 492,3 54 491,9 54 493,5 54 491,4 54 498,9
of which I. class roads 6 244,9 5 817,9 5 826,2 5 808,1 5 799,6 5 764,5
II. class roads 14 586,7 14 587,1 14 584,6 14 619,4 14 631,8 14 670,4
III. class roads 34 129,9 34 087,3 34 081,1 34 065,9 34 060,0 34 064,0
Local roads 74 919,0 74 919,0 74 919,0 74 919,0 74 919,0 74 919,0

1) Length of expresways is included in the length of I. class roads
2) Road administration system change since 1 January 2016; most of expressways were changed into class II motorways

Source: ŘSD, ČSÚ