Transport Yearbook 2022

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4.1.1. Locomotives

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total number 1 920 1 999 2 004 1 999 2 155 2 178
by source of power
electric 777 843 886 878 977 980
diesel 1 110 1 120 1 082 1 088 1 145 1 165
steam 33 36 36 33 33 33
Total tractive power (MW) 3 230 3 687 3 850 3 745 4 493 4 295
by source of power
electric 2 283 2 742 2 940 2 867 3 547 3 358
diesel 922 918 874 852 920 911
steam 25 28 36 26 26 26

Source: MD