Transport Yearbook 2022

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4.2.2. Motorcycles registered in the Czech Republic

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total number 1 046 467 1 132 085 1 163 140 1 196 354 1 217 894 1 266 945
by size of motorcycle engine
motorcycles with engine 50 cc or less 485 226 484 691 484 011 483 956 483 163 483 102
motorcycles with engine from 50 cc to 125 cc 107 316 132 872 141 295 149 760 155 197 170 010
motorcycles with engine exceeding 125 cc 451 625 509 703 531 644 554 597 570 347 606 263
not specified 2 300 4 819 6 190 8 041 9 187 7 570

Source: CRV