Transport Yearbook 2022

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4.2.4. Minibuses, buses and coaches registered in the Czech Republic

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total number 19 950 21 271 21 484 19 254 19 912 20 828
by age category
up to 2 years 3 177 2 920 3 183 3 521 3 510 3 484
2 - 5 years 2 298 3 153 3 180 2 588 2 731 3 143
5 - 10 years 4 397 3 923 3 887 3 749 4 094 4 329
over 10 years 10 078 11 275 11 234 9 396 9 577 9 872
by type of motor energy
petrol 1 779 1 679 1 652 1 636 1 614 1 592
diesel 17 115 18 005 18 003 15 610 16 316 17 218
other sources 1 056 1 587 1 829 2 008 1 982 2 018
Number of seats
total 759 174 823 167 832 961 728 764 762 660 805 646

Source: CRV