Transport Yearbook 2022

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4.2.7. Road tractors registered in the Czech Republic

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total number 5 283 4 360 3 991 3 706 3 589 3 461
by age category
up to 2 years 67 204 180 72 36 5
2 - 5 years 153 88 100 155 144 115
5 - 10 years 551 226 160 152 142 121
over 10 years 4 512 3 842 3 551 3 327 3 267 3 220
by type of motor energy
petrol 18 41 39 37 37 38
diesel 5 241 4 286 3 917 3 637 3 520 3 394
electricity and other sources 24 33 35 32 32 29
not specified 0 0 0 0 0 0

Source: CRV