Transport Yearbook 2022

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4.4.3. Number of aircrafts with a certificated take-off weight under 9 000 kg

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Aircrafts, total number 1 132 1 260 1 322 1 350 1 392 1 597
Fixed Wings Aircrafts, total 983 1 103 1 112 1 163 1 199 1 403
2 motors 20 33 32 35 33 32
1 motor 5 4 4 5 4 13
Propeller-driven (turbine)
2 motors 31 31 43 43 37 46
1 motor 34 41 43 44 49 48
Propeller-driven (piston)
2 motors 62 76 75 79 81 81
1 motor 831 898 915 957 995 1 183
Rotary Wings Aircrafts, total 149 177 210 187 193 194
Turbin engines
2 motors 23 23 26 25 25 25
1 motor 22 31 40 43 46 46
Piston engines
1 motor 104 123 144 119 122 123

Source: ÚCL