Transport Yearbook 2022

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5.1.6. Urban public passenger transport

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total passenger transport (mill. passengers) 2 146,3 2 184,1 2 231,2 1 559,1 1 471,2 1 838,2
of which trolley - buses 179,7 188,3 201,5 173,1 162,2 187,8
trams 679,9 705,0 706,0 495,4 483,7 616,5
metro 456,8 430,9 440,5 251,4 237,9 338,1
buses 829,9 859,9 883,2 639,2 587,4 695,8
Total passenger transport performance (mill. passenger-km) 16 100,0 17 906,1 18 520,2 7 679,2 7 305,6 8 987,7
of which trolley - buses 856,0 856,8 912,3 775,3 742,9 847,4
trams 3 909,0 4 277,0 4 414,0 2 095,2 2 043,5 2 542,5
metro 5 516,7 6 457,8 6 684,8 1 659,3 1 570,4 2 231,7
buses 5 818,3 6 314,5 6 509,1 3 149,4 2 948,8 3 366,1

In 2018 the methodology was changed and the time series was recalculated. 

Source: MD