Transport Yearbook 2022

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  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total transport of goods (thous. tonnes) 549 085 593 761 618 819 561 618 611 941 576 901
Rail transport 97 280 99 307 98 804 90 902 99 550 90 797
Road transport 438 906 479 235 504 099 459 703 500 288 473 688
Inland waterway transport 1 853 1 374 1 735 1 384 1 295 1 266
Air transport 6 5 4 1 0 0
Oil pipeline transport 11 040 13 839 14 177 9 629 10 807 11 150
Total transport performance (mill. tonne-km) 76 613 60 327 57 888 73 529 82 493 84 784
Rail transport 15 261 16 564 16 180 15 251 16 326 16 368
Road transport 58 714 41 073 39 059 56 090 63 756 65 794
Inland waterway transport 585 554 569 509 517 535
Air transport 31 30 29 6 2 0
Oil pipeline transport 2 023 2 107 2 050 1 674 1 892 2 087

Source: MD, ČSÚ