Transport Yearbook 2022

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5.2.6. Transport of crude petroleum within the territory of the Czech Republic

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total oil pipeline transport (thous. tonnes) 11 040 13 839 14 177 9 629 10 807 11 150
by type of transport
national1) 3 932 6 350 6 617 3 464 3 913 3 767
international - import2) 7 108 7 489 7 560 6 165 6 894 7 383
Total transport performace (mill. tonne-km) 2 023 2 107 2 050 1 674 1 892 2 087
by type of transport
national1) 124 291 283 102 112 109
international - import2) 1 898 1 816 1 768 1 572 1 780 1 978

1) This number includes the crude petroleum drawn from the petrol reservoirs
2) This number includes the crude petroleum which was drawn directly to the petrol reservoirs

Source: ČSÚ