Transport Yearbook 2022

back back | Transport Yearbook 2022 - go to Table of contents table of contents Goods transport flows into the Czech Republic - Road transport (thous. tonnes)

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total 22 282 12 561 9 920 14 304 17 000 17 743
by countries of loading
Belgium 647 261 308 596 759 982
Bulgaria 18 15 13 0 11 5
Denmark 107 41 28 66 104 72
Estonia 0 0 0 0 20 7
Finland 18 0 0 17 1 27
France 793 436 327 801 979 924
Croatia 25 16 9 6 7 15
Ireland 0 0 1 0 0 0
Italy 1 112 784 430 1 040 1 507 1 547
Lithuania 35 0 15 0 21 3
Latvia 11 0 0 15 4 0
Luxembourg 9 0 16 9 40 34
Hungary 851 699 550 388 321 450
Germany 9 868 4 636 3 754 6 362 6 949 7 449
Netherlands 924 330 283 571 1 191 1 210
Poland 1 233 952 626 399 535 934
Portugal 16 0 0 22 88 33
Austria 2 053 1 544 1 380 1 494 1 595 1 291
Romania 62 112 23 26 60 21
Greece 10 32 0 3 35 35
Slovak Republic 3 254 1 972 1 689 1 609 1 387 1 436
Slovenia 88 67 37 22 106 115
Spain 412 179 147 353 372 491
Sweden 118 74 109 133 125 105
Total EU 21 665 12 151 9 745 13 931 16 218 17 187
Liechtenstein 0 0 0 0 0 0
Norway 2 12 16 4 57 51
Switzerland 128 76 41 97 175 176
Total EFTA 130 89 57 102 231 227
Belarus 2 11 2 7 56 89
Bosnia-Herzegovina 0 4 0 7 0 0
Moldova 0 6 0 0 7 0
Russian Federation 108 133 47 52 139 40
United Kingdom 253 53 42 184 301 154
Turkey 105 113 24 17 40 33
Ukraine 14 2 3 0 6 3
Total other ITF countries 483 321 117 267 550 319
Other countries 5 0 1 5 0 10

Source: MD