Transport Yearbook 2022

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5.4.2. Passenger car transport by vehicles registered in the country (mill. passenger-km)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 107 002 106 940 107 320 * * *
Czech Republic 69 705 74 327 83 659 87 373 86 063 88 336
Denmark 56 844 60 046 60 733 * 58 226 58 910
Finland 66 295 66 607 66 800 66 800 64 100 63 600
France 724 103 743 355 757 077 779 810 629 846 718 368
Italy 676 350 744 919 722 894 732 429 488 299 518 275
Luxembourg 7 321 7 674 7 834 * * *
Hungary 54 603 60 645 63 947 67 034 63 921 67 395
Germany 932 864 920 500 921 900 899 577 809 319 791 421
Netherlands 139 500 138 700 144 700 * * *
Poland 200 570 205 747 212 416 * * *
Portugal 84 468 92 192 95 460 * * *
Austria 72 915 76 123 78 545 * * *
Romania * * * * * *
Greece 98 276 101 877 103 395 * * *
Slovak Republic 27 531 28 120 28 460 * * *
Slovenia * 10 213 * * * *
Spain 317 553 332 858 340 556 * * *
Sweden 111 896 116 118 116 000 * * *

Expert estimation

Source: Eurostat