Transport Yearbook 2022

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5.4.3. Bus transport by buses registered in the country (mill. passenger-km)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 14 381 13 363 13 522 * * *
Czech Republic 15 124 15 722 16 222 16 141 8 835 8 789
Denmark 13 790 14 236 14 014 * 11 000 11 360
Finland 7 540 8 234 8 000 7 900 6 800 6 000
France 58 540 58 134 58 505 60 064 37 912 40 957
Italy 102 509 102 679 102 965 104 293 57 778 80 307
Luxembourg 1 093 1 146 1 170 * * *
Hungary 16 399 * 17 173 17 117 12 385 12 189
Germany 81 771 79 700 78 900 79 500 44 164 42 397
Netherlands 4 884 4 618 5 258 * * *
Poland 37 580 36 065 34 544 * * *
Portugal 4 752 6 222 6 681 6 654 3 800 5 673
Austria 9 148 9 656 10 261 * * *
Romania 20 307 22 170 22 363 23 624 17 169 18 024
Greece 21 148 20 465 20 549 * * *
Slovak Republic 5 368 6 036 6 368 6 385 * *
Slovenia * 688 * * * *
Spain 46 389 30 510 32 188 * * *
Sweden 9 828 9 979 9 984 * * *

Bus transport including urban transport by busses and trolleybuses; some countries provide the real data and some countries provide an expert estimation

Source: Eurostat