Transport Yearbook 2022

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5.4.6. Goods transport by road by vehicles registered in the country (mill. tonne-km)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 36 078 34 220 32 684 34 829 34 379 36 175
Czech Republic 58 715 44 274 41 073 39 059 56 090 63 756
Denmark 15 500 15 501 14 998 14 991 14 685 15 342
Finland 24 488 27 966 28 345 28 848 29 670 29 619
France 153 580 167 691 173 347 174 061 169 663 174 852
Italy 116 820 119 687 124 915 137 986 133 222 144 987
Luxembourg 8 850 8 092 6 800 7 381 6 175 6 904
Hungary 38 353 39 684 37 948 36 951 32 224 37 102
Germany 314 816 313 149 316 772 311 874 304 612 307 272
Netherlands 68 900 67 533 68 876 68 923 67 594 70 229
Poland 260 712 335 220 315 874 348 954 354 927 379 820
Portugal 31 835 34 186 32 963 31 014 24 241 32 048
Austria 25 458 25 979 25 762 26 444 25 911 27 283
Romania 39 022 54 704 58 762 61 041 55 027 61 849
Greece 19 764 28 377 29 279 28 197 25 162 21 053
Slovak Republic 33 540 35 411 35 586 33 941 31 635 30 183
Slovenia 17 909 20 814 22 225 24 011 22 662 24 968
Spain 209 390 231 109 238 994 249 559 242 269 270 176
Sweden 41 502 41 851 43 478 42 604 43 186 47 484

Source: Eurostat