Transport Yearbook 2022

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6.2.1. Number of road traffic accidents by location and nature of accident

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total accidents 21 561 21 889 20 806 18 419 18 156 19 733
Accidents on motorways 434 620 675 491 532 619
Accidents inside built-up areas (except motorways) 13 215 13 044 12 414 10 772 10 810 11 909
Accidents outside built-up areas (except motorways) 7 912 8 225 7 717 7 156 6 835 7 205
Accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 3 277 3 255 3 005 2 173 2 278 2 687
Single-vehicle accidents 3 272 3 593 3 353 3 359 3 059 3 320
Accidents between vehicles 11 167 11 348 10 809 9 629 9 613 10 250
Accidents due to the influence of alcohol 1 926 1 953 1 906 1 764 1 789 1 978

Source: PP ČR