Transport Yearbook 2022

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Table of contents

6. Transport accidents

  1. 6.1.
    Rail traffic accidents
  2. 6.1.1.
    Structure of serious rail traffic accidents
  3. 6.1.2.
    Victims of the rail traffic accidents
  4. 6.2.
    Road traffic accidents resulted in personal injury or death
  5. 6.2.1.
    Number of road traffic accidents by location and nature of accident
  6. 6.2.2.
    Number of persons killed or injured by location and nature of accident
  7. 6.2.3.
    Number of road traffic accidents by day of the week
  8. 6.2.4.
    Number of road traffic accidents by month
  9. 6.3.
    Inland waterways traffic accidents
  10. 6.4.
    Civil air traffic accidents
  11. 6.5.
    Comparisons of basic indicators between the regions of the Czech Republic
  12. 6.5.1.
    Number of road traffic accidents resulted in personal injury or death
  13. 6.5.2.
    Number of persons injured in road accidents
  14. 6.5.3.
    Number of persons killed (within 30 days from the data of accident) in road accidents
  15. 6.6.
    Comparisons of basic indicators with the selected European countries
  16. 6.6.1.
    Number of road traffic accidents resulted in personal injury or death
  17. 6.6.2.
    Number of road traffic accidents resulted in personal injury or death on motorways
  18. 6.6.3.
    Number of persons killed in road traffic accidents
  19. 6.6.4.
    Number of persons injured in road traffic accidents