Transport Yearbook 2022

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6.5.2. Number of persons injured in road accidents

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Region Hl. m. Praha 2 257 2 347 2 072 1 735 1 735 2 025
Stredocesky region 3 625 3 745 3 645 2 960 2 877 3 385
Jihocesky region 2 131 2 223 2 170 2 015 1 975 1 961
Plzensky region 1 795 1 823 1 727 1 572 1 512 1 579
Karlovarsky region 797 656 611 726 639 731
Ustecky region 1 982 2 111 2 026 1 741 1 740 1 832
Liberecky region 1 296 1 343 1 216 1 147 1 072 1 142
Kralovehradecky region 1 406 1 509 1 343 1 251 1 197 1 291
Pardubicky region 1 542 1 679 1 509 1 310 1 220 1 265
Region Vysocina 1 547 1 628 1 374 1 206 1 232 1 317
Jihomoravsky region 3 019 3 102 2 998 2 534 2 526 2 861
Olomoucky region 1 534 1 579 1 485 1 228 1 182 1 339
Zlinsky region 1 473 1 504 1 501 1 259 1 248 1 407
Moravskoslezsky region 2 562 2 431 2 368 2 003 2 050 2 051
Total Czech republic 26 966 27 680 26 045 22 687 22 205 24 186

Source: PP ČR