Transport Yearbook 2022

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6.6.3. Number of persons killed in road traffic accidents

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 762 609 604 644 499 516
Czech Republic 738 577 656 618 518 532
Denmark 178 175 171 199 163 130
Finland 270 238 239 211 223 225
France 3 459 3 600 3 392 3 406 2 703 3 127
Italy 3 428 3 378 3 334 3 173 2 395 *
Luxembourg 36 25 36 22 26 24
Hungary 644 625 633 602 460 544
Germany 3 459 3 180 3 275 3 046 2 719 2 562
Netherlands 621 613 678 661 610 582
Poland 2 938 2 831 2 862 2 909 2 491 2 245
Portugal 624 630 704 689 536 561
Austria 479 414 409 416 344 362
Romania 1 893 1 951 1 867 1 864 1 646 1 779
Greece 793 731 700 688 584 621
Slovak Republic 310 276 260 270 247 247
Slovenia 120 104 91 102 80 114
Spain 1 689 1 830 1 806 1 755 1 370 1 533
Sweden 259 253 324 221 204 210

Source: EK