Transport Yearbook 2022

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6.6.4. Number of persons injured in road traffic accidents

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Belgium 51 831 48 472 48 750 47 188 36 651 42 050
Czech Republic 26 966 27 079 27 680 26 045 22 687 22 205
Denmark 3 156 3 143 3 287 3 076 2 751 2 607
Finland 6 408 5 574 5 303 5 013 4 411 3 886
France 70 774 73 384 72 529 73 443 58 538 70 207
Italy 246 920 246 750 242 919 241 384 159 248 *
Luxembourg 1 348 1 272 1 218 1 296 962 1 242
Hungary 20 899 21 451 21 999 21 596 17 716 18 599
Germany 396 891 390 312 396 018 384 230 327 550 323 129
Netherlands 21 300 20 800 21 700 21 400 21 500 22 700
Poland 39 778 39 466 37 359 35 477 26 463 26 415
Portugal 42 666 45 739 45 330 47 336 33 935 38 014
Austria 47 366 47 258 46 525 45 140 37 730 40 889
Romania 36 807 40 211 38 709 39 670 27 925 33 233
Greece 14 096 13 271 13 149 13 002 10 818 12 442
Slovak Republic 6 749 6 884 6 915 6 565 5 360 5 373
Slovenia 8 710 7 901 7 688 7 570 5 695 6 438
Spain 134 455 139 162 138 609 139 358 94 562 118 162
Sweden 19 643 19 662 18 501 17 719 15 354 15 937

Source: EK