Transport Yearbook 2022

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6.5.3. Number of persons killed (within 30 days from the date of accident) in road accidents

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Region Hl. m. Praha 29 36 23 23 27 19
Stredocesky region 108 119 97 86 88 83
Jihocesky region 71 69 63 43 55 60
Plzensky region 44 48 31 33 37 41
Karlovarsky region 24 22 18 12 17 12
Ustecky region 46 47 46 51 45 46
Liberecky region 28 22 15 18 16 15
Kralovehradecky region 41 26 50 32 39 34
Pardubicky region 53 34 36 30 23 33
Region Vysocina 41 42 45 41 29 35
Jihomoravsky region 91 62 71 58 49 52
Olomoucky region 54 38 39 23 46 16
Zlinsky region 44 28 25 25 27 32
Moravskoslezsky region 64 63 59 43 34 50
Total Czech republic 738 656 618 518 532 528

Source: PP ČR